Whilst far from a frequent occurance, invertebrate surveys are often requested on brown field sites which have been left to over grow, mine / quarry site for instance and well as Habitats of Principal Importance: Woodlands, Good quality unimproved grassland etc.
There are a number of protected species: Principally, White Clawed Crayfish in water habitats and a significant number of butterflies, moths and beetle which are listed as Species of Principal Importance.
We have recently been involved in the translocation of a small blue butterfly population. This involved, growing on specific food plants for both adults and larvae, the landscaping of both roof top gardens and specifically designed habitat and the capture and translocation of larvae to their new home. A management plan is in place to ensure the site remains suitable for a minimum of ten years.
If you require an invertebrate survey, please contact for details.
Please contact us for a site specific quotation –
Please call us on 0800 888 6846 / 07736 458609